Monday, 2 March 2015

7. The stairway to heaven

Mum Sophia’s joy

It is very cold today and Angela is sitting by the fire to keep warm.
Snowy, the little lamb which was given to her by Mr. Pantelis the shepherd is near her.
Christina’s mother and sister had just returned from their visit to the pious priest of the village, Father John. They had gone to confession and to leave all the mistakes they had made under his priestly stole.
Angela saw her mum’s and sister’s faces shining with joy and happiness.
-How happy you look mum!
-Yes, my little girl, I'm so glad and happy, because today I again purified my soul from every sin and mistake I made as a human.

6. A heavenly family

With the sheep in the fold

Today was a sunny day and mum Sophia took her two little children, Joseph and Angela, for a walk in the forest.
Angela wanted to gather beautiful flowers with her brother to give them to their daddy, when he returned home in the afternoon.
Before reaching the forest, a little surprise on the road made the children excited. They met their friend, the shepherd Mr. Pantelis, with his sheep.
He was holding a lamb on his shoulder and all the other sheep were following.
He was taking them to graze on the grassy plains behind the small forest.
Mr. Pantelis was very glad to see them and greeted them with much kindness. Mum Sophia responded in the same way reciprocating the greeting, while the children ran quickly to him to see the lamb which he held in his arms. Angela’s joy was indescribable when the shepherd let her to caress the lamb. It enjoyed Angela’s pettings and sometimes bleated joyfully from its little girlfriend’s kisses.

5. In the house of God

A happy day

It was early Sunday morning and the bells of the village church began to ring joyfully to invite Christians to the house of God.
Mum Sophia woke her children up and they began to get ready all together to go to church.
Angela was happy because she would receive today through the Holy Communion her beloved little Brother, as she often called her beloved God and man Jesus.
Since her mum told her that the divine Infant of Bethlehem, the little Christ,  is the Son of God who became man like us so that we love Him as our Brother and Father, she didn’t stop calling Him "my sweet little Brother. "
She loved Him so much, like her little brother Joseph, and took care not to do anything bad that would upset Him.
She was now more careful in what she said and did.
Many times a day she asked her mother if she had done anything that might hurt her little Brother and whenever her mum pointed out a mistake, with much regret and with tearful eyes she was immediately asking for forgiveness and promised that she would try not to do it again.

4. Christmas Melody

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve and all Christians are getting ready to celebrate the most joyful holiday of Christianity. The small beautiful village near the forest, where our little Angela lives, is decorated with countless Christmas lights.
It is snowing continuously outside and fires are burning in all the houses.
Many people are moving with sleds because of the snow. In the small village square, which is white from snow, a big fir tree is decorated with many lights.
The children take no notice of the cold and snow and wrapped up in their thick warm clothes, go from house to house singing carols. Others prefer playing snowball fights. Some of them are making beautiful snowmen. Their laughter sounds throughout the small village, which these days is living fully the spirit of Christmas. Although it is already dusk and soon the first stars will light up the winter sky, they don’t want to stop their games yet.

3. The Christmas tree

Angela’s joy

Today Angela is very happy. Her mother told her that in a little while Christina would be coming home. Christina is her older sister who is studying at university.
Angela loves her so much that when she found out that she was leaving to study far away, she was upset for a month.
Christina adores her little sister and cares for her as a mother would, in every way.
Angela, in return, respects her as a big sister but also as a most trusted friend. All that is in her heart she shares with her sister Christina. They are close sisters which makes their mother, Sophia, happy for her daughters.
From the moment she heard that her sister was coming home, Angela immediately ran to pick the prettiest flowers from the garden to give to her.  Next she went to little Joseph, who had just woken up, and told him that Christina was coming home and that he must get ready quickly.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

2. Angela’s Paradise

Angela’s dream

Little Angela was so excited with all those things her mum told her about the creation of the world and man, that it took her a long time to fall asleep. 
The following day when she woke up, she got up quickly and ran into her mummy’s arms and gave her a kiss. Her mother hugged her sweetly, kissed her on her little head and asked her if she slept well.
-Mummy, I slept so nicely last night in our sweet God’s embrace, that I am not able to describe my happiness to you!
-I am glad my sweet love that you slept so well.
-Mummy, I dreamed about all those things you told me last night about heaven, earth and everything that our God created. It was so wonderful. 
-What did you dream about and that made you so happy?